Registration and revocation of identity card

Revocation of identity card
The petition for revocation of the identity card must be documented for well-founded and convincing reasons. The petition, which is often made to reduce age, claims that, for example, the current identity card belongs to his brother and that his parents did not revoke it after his death. The plaintiff must tariff his intuition. The court also refers the matter to forensic medicine to determine the plaintiff’s allegations. Forensic medicine gives its answer to the court by describing the physical condition of the person. The petition for revocation of the identity card must be to the registrar and the local testimony must be attached to the petition.
Correction of birth certificate
In the aforementioned lawsuit, the applicant claims that the birth certificate belongs to him, but due to the mistake of the registrar, his real age was not recorded in the birth certificate. Every person can amend his birth certificate only once in his lifetime and if the difference between his actual age and the age stated in the birth certificate is more than 5 years and the commission approves it.
Competent Authority
A: If the applicant claims that the difference between his actual age and the age stated in his birth certificate is more than five years, he must refer to a commission known as the Age Determination Commission located in the governorate of the city where his birth certificate is issued. The members of this commission consist of: the governor or district head, the head of the local registry office, the elected doctor, the CEO of the provincial health organization and the head of the Islamic council of the city or district. This commission is chaired by the judge of the local court. The owner of the birth certificate has the right to correct the age stated in the birth certificate only once in his lifetime. It is necessary to explain, this request can be both in the direction of increasing and decreasing the age. For example, the applicant can claim that his age is 40 years old in his birth certificate, but his real age is 46 years old or 34 years old. In any case, this age difference should not be less than five years.
B: But if the applicant claims that his real age is less than five years different from the age stated in his birth certificate, he should refer to the court and file a lawsuit by following the relevant regulations and formalities.
If you have any questions regarding civil registration and revocation of birth certificates and related rulings, or if you need guidance in setting up and implementing its provisions, our experienced consultants and lawyers at the Asia Lawyers Group will answer your questions.