Administrative lawsuits and penalties

Administrative lawsuits and penalties
The State Penalty Organization is a special authority that has the authority to deal with penal violations, government violations, trade violations, etc. and is a kind of executive guarantee to prevent violations. In fact, the State Penalty Organization is a special authority to deal with economic violations. This organization operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and is generally considered a subset of the executive branch. According to Article 72 of the country’s trade union law, the government punishment organization has the authority to deal with all economic violations of trade unions. All people should submit their complaints about trade unions’ economic violations to this organization for handling.
Among the examples of violations that are dealt with by the government punishment organization, we can mention violations such as overselling, hoarding, not including the price, not having a license, not fulfilling the obligations of importers and producers regarding receiving foreign currency and government services, and so on. Unfortunately, these violations are among the things that are frequently seen in our society and most people have to deal with it in some way that all these cases have been dealt with in the Law of Government Penalty Organization approved on March 14, 989.
In the above-mentioned law, in relation to all trade union violations that occur, punishments appropriate to the violations are provided, which are considered as a kind of guarantee for the implementation of these violations. Sometimes there may be violations that cause irreparable damage to society and individuals, such as health or drug violations, in this case, the legislator will deal more strictly with such crimes and apply the guarantee of multiple executions. It also establishes special regulations and laws in this regard.